The Last Of The Millenniums

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teabagger Alert!! – Republican Extremism – ‘Rep. Ted Yoho Praises Birther Conspiracy, Calls Obamacare Racist Against White People’

Fla Rep Yoho

‘Speaking at a town hall meeting earlier this month, Florida Republican congressman Ted Yoho promised that he would support possible birther legislation floated by Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX), telling the audience that after learning about a potential birther bill from Stockman while attending a Tea Party meeting, he called the congressman and agreed to back it’.

‘While Yoho told the crowd that the issue of President Obama’s birth certificate was a “distraction” from topics like the national debt, he said he was hopeful that a birther investigation could bring down the whole government: “They said if it is true, it’s illegal, he shouldn’t be there and we can get rid of everything he’s done, and I said I agree with that.”

‘Yoho also seemed to embrace the right-wing claim that Obamacare is “racist” because it taxes tanning beds, explaining that if he goes tanning then he will be “disenfranchised because I got taxed because of the color of my skin.”


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3 thoughts on “teabagger Alert!! – Republican Extremism – ‘Rep. Ted Yoho Praises Birther Conspiracy, Calls Obamacare Racist Against White People’

  1. Jueseppi B. on said:

    Reblogged this on The ObamaCrat.Com™.

  2. Really? Really? 3 more years of this crap? I want this moron investigated! Stockman too. I bet any money there’s alot of dirt in those closets!

  3. Pingback: Is Congressman Ted Yoho (R-FL 3) a do nothing seat warmer? | Dr. Rich Swier

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