The Last Of The Millenniums

Just because it always has been, doesn't mean it always will be

Archive for the tag “Corruption”

Building On The Reason Trump Should Resign – ‘Not My President


On second thought – just resign.

Words especially words of apology are usless from you.

100 Tweets On The Wall, 100 Tweets, Take One down, Pass it Around, 99 Tweets Still On The Wall

The Day in a Picture

Building The Case For Donald Trump To Resign – ‘Why Republicans Are Worried About Mueller’

“……Not with a bang but a whimper……”

Republicans will never open the hearings to write the Articles of Impeachment.


But the money trail is getting clearer and easier to understand.

And money is Trump’s god.

Threaten to expose his gods and he will resign and huddle in Trump Tower, counting his coin.

The fitting end to the incompetent, ignorance he displayed.


June 15, 2017 By Taegan Goddard

‘Mike Allen notes that with the Washington Post bombshell report that the obstruction probe is in full swing, White House officials and Republicans sweating profusely for several reasons’:

“They know Trump talked to countless people about ending the Flynn probe, so they assume Comey’s version of events is true.”

“They assume he did, indeed, ask Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and Mike Rogers, head of the National Security Agency, if they could help derail the Flynn probe, as the WashPost reported. They also assume he said similar things to other officials.”

“Nobody has privately mounted a straight-faced argument to us that Trump didn’t say this stuff to Comey or to Coats/Rogers. That’s telling in itself. The fact that the Trump public position — that Comey is a perjurer — isn’t being argued in private.”

‘Also troubling’:

“Any obstruction probe requires context, which means investigators digging into the finances of Flynn, Trump and Jared Kushner. This is the phase of the probe many Republicans have always feared most.”

From :

The Day in a Quote

‘Jeff Sessions Has A Tell – CONAN on TBS’

The Day in a Picture

The Most Corrupt Administration In All Of American History – ‘Conway Overheard Leaking to Reporters’

My first though was who let her out again? She, by her own lies, proved she had no credibility.

But all of a sudden – after a couple of months – she’s back in demand.

June 10, 2017 By Taegan Goddard


“Kellyanne Conway was overheard talking about her West Wing co-workers to fellow revelers at a party. Conway was having an off-the-record conversation with a group of reporters and other attendees at the British Embassy at their election-night watch party.”

‘She said President Trump told her to “go out there and say ‘Jim Comey is going to have to wait and see about the tapes.’”

“Conway also mimicked Reince Priebus urging White House aides to stop leaking, and wondered aloud what Marc Short — the legislative director — does all day. She also said she is ‘the one catching the slings and arrows in the West Wing.’ The source who heard Conway created a Twitter account about the evening, naming it @kellyanneleaks and posting photos and tweets from the event. Two other sources confirmed Conway’s remarks.”

From :

Donald J. Trump….The Ugly American – Building The Case For Trump’s Resignation – ‘Trump: ‘I’ve Made a Lot of Sacrifices’

The Ugly American – ‘Trump SHOVES aside NATO PM Dusko Markovic’

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