The Last Of The Millenniums

Just because it always has been, doesn't mean it always will be

Archive for the month “January, 2015”



The Big Bang Bucket List Of A Buddhist Blogger

Sheldon hates change

Kyra the Rottweiler loves Charlie the Cat so much…

Arizona Weatherman Turns Temperature Glitch Into Hilarious Forecast







A hot dog wrapped with chicken...... - credit tastefully offensive

A hot dog wrapped with chicken…… – credit tastefully offensive

bucket credit tastefully offensive28









Music – Pompeii (Bastille) – Vital Signs A Cappella


The Thought For Today


Superbowl – Banned Bud Light Commercial


Dirty Politics – How Republicans Will Govern – ‘Rand Paul ‘secret tape’ dings Jeb, Hillary on dynasty’

rand paul16

I guess this is what a man who is known to plagiarize does…..make up conversations.

The problem is, Conservatives, as with FOX (cough)
‘news’, will think the ‘conversation. was real.

‘Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), the 2016 field’s most
prolific adopter of social media, has posted what
aides wryly call a “secret tape” of a fake phone
call between Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton’.

‘RAND PAC, Paul’s political organization, used
actors to portray the conversation, which hits
both rivals on the dynasty issue’.
“Bush” tells her he’s thinking about running for
president: “I just wanted to call and give you a
heads-up in hopes we could work something out.”

“Clinton” says: “We both agree on so many issues:
bigger government, Common Core, and amnesty for
illegal immigrants.”

‘Paul, who this week gave an interview to CNN via
Snapchat, plans to distribute the audio via
Twitter and other social platforms’.

‘Here’s a transcript of the fake conversation’ :

BUSH: “Hey, Hill. It’s Jeb.”

CLINTON: “Hey, Jeb. To what do I owe this

BUSH: “Well, it’s true — I’m thinking about
running for president.”

CLINTON: “Well, Jeb, so am I.”

BUSH: “I just wanted to call and give you a
heads-up in hopes we could work something out.”

CLINTON: “What do you mean, Jeb? It’s clearly my
turn: Bush, Clinton, Bush. Now, Clinton.”

BUSH: “Well, Hillary, there hasn’t been a
Republican White House without a Bush since 1977,
and we’re ready to be back.”

CLINTON: “Let me shoot straight with you, Jeb, OK?
Bill and I are dead broke and need a place to
stay. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is calling me home
— I’ve still got the back door key. Being
president offers a lot more job security than
writing another memoir.”

BUSH: “Well, the Bushes have weathered attacks
before. And READ MY LIPS, Hillary: We’re not
backing down this time.”

CLINTON: “Well, you’re right — maybe we can work
something out. We both agree on so many issues:
bigger government, Common Core, and amnesty for
illegal immigrants.”

BUSH: “Well, we’ve both got problems. You’ve got
problems with the grass roots, and I’ve got all
those damn conservatives. What say, we make a

[Call beeps in.]

BUSH: “Sorry, Hillary, but I have to go. Mitt
keeps calling.”

CLINTON: “Oh, for crying out loud.”
From :

One Man’s Trash – ‘McCain: Palin would ‘do great’ as presidential candidate’



mccain on iraq

John McCain will have two legacy’s.

#1 – A Vietnam POW.

#2 – The idiot responsible for Sarah Palin.

‘How would Sarah Palin do if she decides to run for president? According to her former top-of-the-ticket running mate, quite well’.

“She’s very interesting. And I’m sure she’d do great,” Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) told The Washington Post Wednesday in a brief interview’.
From :

“All it takes is one good guy with a gun….” – ‘Bill Would Allow Texas Teachers To Kill Students’

gun nuts8

‘Moreover, civil immunity would be granted to those who use deadly force, meaning they would not be liable for the injury or death of student’.

‘People who are concerned about the use of excessive force by law enforcement may have to deal with another fatal can of worms’.

‘If Texas state Rep. Dan Flynn (R) gets his way, teachers will have the right to use deadly force against students in Texas classrooms, in the near future’.

‘The Lone Star State already permits teachers to have firearms in the classroom, but H.B. 868, also known as the Teacher’s Protection Act, would authorize instructors to use “force or deadly force on school property, on a school bus, or at a school-sponsored event in defense of the educator’s person or in defense of students of the school that employs the educator.”

‘Instructors would also have the right to use deadly force “in defense of property of the school that employs the educator.”
From :



Music – Vanessa Mae – Sabre Dance


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