The Last Of The Millenniums

Just because it always has been, doesn't mean it always will be

‘Romney Set to Counterattack on Bain’

Imagine that. The Romney campaign is going to call Obama a ‘liar’.

Another chance for Mitt Romney to make a statement and then run and hide from questions.

‘The Romney campaign will begin to aggressively push back against President Obama’s accusations that the Republican was an “outsourcing pioneer” today, a source privy to the the campaign’s strategy told BuzzFeed’.

‘In a conference call Monday morning, senior staff said Romney’s surrogates would stop shying away from the word “lie” in responding to Democrats’ attacks on his business record, and plan to go on TV to call Obama a “liar,” the source said’.
From :

Now MAYBE, just MAYBE the Democrats will return the favor AND with HUNDREDS of verifiable examples!!

But be careful what you ask for Republicans. Because if YOU start calling the President a liar, and the Democrats call Romney a liar – the press might get off their a**es and start to investigate and report on all those HUNDREDS of Romeny lies.


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