The Last Of The Millenniums

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Death Panels – How Republicans Will Govern – ‘Republicans Are Killing Women: US Maternal Death Rate Climbs; Female Deaths Rise In GOP Counties’

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‘Globally, only a few countries have seen a rise in the rate of maternal deaths in recent years’.

‘Those include Afghanistan, El Salvador, South Sudan and the United States of America’.

  • ‘As of 2014, the number of women who die during pregnancy and childbirth in the US has risen to 28 deaths per 100,000’.

‘For purposes of comparison, the maternal death rate in nearly all wealthy, developed nations is a single digit number’.

  • As of 2014, the US maternal death rate is 7 times higher than that of Austria, Finland, Iceland, Italy, Norway, Spain and Sweden, all nation’s which have a maternal mortality rate of just 4 deaths per 100,000′.

‘According to an article published in Medical Daily, in October 2014, since the year 2011’:

“Oklahoma, Mississippi, and Kansas have implemented 14 abortion restrictions — the most of any other state. Arkansas and Indiana were tied for the second-most restriction, while Florida, Arizona, and Alabama were tied for third”.

  • “And out of all 50 states, it was the ones with more restrictions that also had higher, well, everything: maternal deaths, uninsured rates, infant and child death rates, teen drug and alcohol abuse, as well as lower preventive care and cancer screening rates”.

‘As of 2011, the state of Georgia, which has 11 restrictive abortion laws, leads the nation in the number of maternal deaths,at 35 per 100,000 live births’.

  • In Georgia’s Fulton County, for example, the maternal death rate for black women is 94 per 100,000 live births’.
  • ‘On a national level, black woman are far more likely to die in childbirth than white women’.

‘On the first day that the new Congress convened in Washington, Republicans attempted to pass five more restrictive and dangerous anti-abortion laws at the Federal level. These attacks are only going to get worse, as the religious fanatics in Washington give more and more rights to fertilized eggs, while taking more and more rights away from US women. They claim their fanaticism is ‘pro-life,’ but Republican laws result in death, not life’.
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