The Last Of The Millenniums

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Guns, Liberals & Conservatives (some language NSFW)

gun shootings


I don’t know if the Orlando shooter/murderer will be found to be a Conservative or not.

He was Muslim and so Conservatives jump all too quickly on that and equate religion with violence.

Just a little over a year ago a California Conservative wanted a ballot measure to allow stoning of gay people.

Go to (Google) Right Wing Watch and they have a HUGE archive of Conservative so called ‘christian’ religious leaders spouting hate, including violence and death to anyone LGBT.
YouTube, as Conservatives and especially The Donald will find out this year – is not your friend.

Just 6 months ago, Republicans in the Senate killed a bill that would immediately prevent anyone on the ‘no fly list’ from purchasing a gun.
The Orlando shooter/murderer, having been interviewed several times by the FBI for hate speech, more then likely would have been on the ‘no fly list’ and so not able to purchase a gun legally.

Illegally? Undoubtedly.

We are a gun culture.
Strangely only 1/3 of Americans actually own guns.

And that is where Liberals have a lost argument.
Instead of trying to control owning a gun, punish irresponsible use.

a ‘responsible’ gun owning parent leaves a loaded gun out for a child to reach and the child uses it – the parent looses all future right to own a gun and let’s throw in a fine and jail time.

‘Accidentally’ shot someone? You got it – lose all future right to own a gun , fine and jail time.

We have as a society accepting death by guns as either a tragic ‘accident’ or a ‘need to protect our 2nd Amendment rights’.

Bull Fucking Shit.

I don’t want untrained ANYONE walking around with a gun, locked and loaded.

We have a police force.
Then stay home. Pull down the shades. Cower behind your over turned sofa. Waiting for the hordes of Blacks, Mexicans or Muslims you so fear to crash down your door and open fire.

The rest of us will go about our normal lives.
It’s not perfect.
Crime will happen.
But we are trying to be a civil society.
We will solve our problems via a justice system.
Not a gun.

Ask yourself.
Do you see/hear/read about th citizens of Canada ‘protecting’ themselves against crime by being armed, walking around?
How about Great Britain?
And on and on……
Just in America do we ‘need’ to carry guns in public to ‘protect’ ourselves.

Bull Fucking Shit.

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