The Last Of The Millenniums

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A Republican World – Corruption – ‘Federal judge halts John Doe probe into Walker recall’

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If the Stay is vacated or thew appeal fails, what htis does is give Walker and in fact all outside money a free pass to speand not just how much they want but in any way they want…..without limits.

Update : ‘But on Wednesday, the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit stayed the injunction, calling for a lower court review of an earlier, separate appeal in the case’.
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‘A federal judge ordered a halt Tuesday to the John Doe investigation into campaign spending and fundraising by Gov. Scott Walker’s campaign and conservative groups, saying the effort appeared to violate one of the group’s free speech rights’.

‘In his 26-page decision, U.S. District Judge Rudolph Randa in Milwaukee told prosecutors to immediately stop the long-running, five-county probe into possible illegal coordination between Walker’s campaign, the Wisconsin Club for Growth and a host of others during the 2011 and 2012 recall elections’.


U.S. District Judge Rudolph Randa :

“The (Wisconsin Club for Growth and its treasurer) have found a way to circumvent campaign finance laws’,

‘And that circumvention should not and cannot be condemned or restricted’.

‘Instead, it should be recognized as promoting political speech, an activity that is ‘ingrained in our culture,'” Randa wrote, quoting from a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision’.

‘He ordered an immediate halt to the investigation, the return of all property seized during it, and the destruction of any information and materials gained in the investigation. He told the Wisconsin Club for Growth it did not need to cooperate with prosecutors in any way’.
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