The Last Of The Millenniums

Just because it always has been, doesn't mean it always will be

Why It’s Called The Stupid Party – ‘Iowa Republican Senate Candidate Still Thinks Iraq Had WMDs’

joni ernst

joni ernst1

‘Rising Iowa senate candidate Joni Ernst told the Des Moines Register board in a meeting last Friday she still believes Iraq had weapons of mass destruction’.

(Pssssssst. ‘They’ took all the WMDs and put them in Iran. FOX news told me so.)

“We don’t know that there were weapons on the ground when we went in, however, I do have reason to believe there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. That was the intelligence that was operated on. I have reason to believe there was weapons of mass destruction. My husband served in Saudi Arabia as an Army Central Command sergeant major for a year and that’s a hot-button topic in that area.”
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3 thoughts on “Why It’s Called The Stupid Party – ‘Iowa Republican Senate Candidate Still Thinks Iraq Had WMDs’

  1. Her logic and knowledge of history are as flawed as her grammar!

    • I saw where she tried to ‘walk it back’ but it’s done. She was, until this, ‘surging’ in Iowa. My guess is her ‘surge’ will turn into a slush.

  2. Pingback: Drinking the Republican Kool-Aid | gscottblakley

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