The Last Of The Millenniums

Just because it always has been, doesn't mean it always will be

Archive for the day “April 8, 2013”

teabagger Alert! – The NRA’s Legalized Vigilante Murder in Spokane – “The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.”

wayne lapierre1

Too bad the rank and file members of the NRA don’t have the same courage of convictions that former President George H. Bush had.

If you wonder what’s wrong with America, it’s not that we need more guns, we need more integrity.

teabaggers and the NRA have their Nation.

When will Americans stand up and take America back from the corrupt hands of the teabaggers and the NRA?

Is this murder?

This is the Wayne LaPierre’s and the teabagger’s World –

“The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.”

But what happens if the ‘bad guy’ doesn’t have a gun but the ‘good guy’ still shoots him in the back of the head as he’s driving away?

Is that murder?

We have over the years, updated and refined our criminal justice system. It’s not perfect but has, does and will in the future, provide the structure for a stable society.

There is no place for Vigilante Justice yet that is what the teabaggers and the NRA are demanding and justifiying is cases such as this.

“He was stealing”.

Is theft alone the justification for shooting someone in the back of the head as they are driving away?

If theft is the basis for Vigilante Justice, then the cashier who sees a 10 year old steal a dollar candy bar is justified to shoot that 10 year old in the back of the head.

If theft is the basis for Vigilante Justice, then the cashier who sees a old woman stealing a loaf of bread, is justified in shooting her in the back of the head as she flees.

If theft is the basis for Vigilante Justice, then the shareholder who reads about a CEO who is charged with a crime that drops the price of his stocks, is justified in shooting the CEO in the back of the head.

But these last three examplers would be murder to any rational person.

So why isn’t Gail Gerlach charged with murder?

Is Kaluza-Graham guilty of the crime of stealing?


Did Gail Gerlach have the right to judge and excute him for that crime?


Society judges our criminal actions.

Not a single individual.

But to the simple minds of teabaggers, Wayne LaPierre and members of the NRA (since none seem to be speaking out against filibusters and vigilante justice), they can’t even understand what makes a stable society.

Vigilante Justice.

Is that murder?

Here’s the facts :

‘The man who shot a car thief Monday is 56-year-old Gail
Gerlach, according to a search warrant filed Wednesday’.

‘Gerlach, of 1419 N. Lee St., owns a plumbing business
and has no criminal record’.

‘When Gerlach called 911 just before 8 a.m. Monday,
March 25th, he told the dispatcher he had just shot an
armed man who stole his SUV, according to police’.

‘Police say Kaluza-Graham drove away in a 1997 Chevy
Suburban left idling in Gerlach’s driveway’.

‘Gerlach told police that as the Suburban drove away, he
saw the driver turn around, raise his arm and saw what
he thought was a gun and that the thief was going to
shoot at him’.

‘He then pulled his own gun, a 9 mm handgun, and fired a
single shot, hitting Kaluza-Graham in the back of the
head according to court files.

‘Police found no weapon on Kaluza-Grahma.’

‘Police are investigating a charge of 2nd degree murder,
according to the warrant’.
From :


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