The Last Of The Millenniums

Just because it always has been, doesn't mean it always will be

Archive for the day “April 7, 2013”

But it’s NOT Republican Obstructionism – ’12 GOP senators back Rand Paul on gun-control filibuster’


Harry Reid may well use a movement where Rand Paul won’t be able to filibuster and instead will be ‘offered’ to add 2 amendments to the legislation.

I’m hoping Reid won’t do that.

I WANRand Paul or others to filibuster ANY piece of gun control legislation.

Maybe THAT will finally wake up America to say E N O U G H!

E N O U G H  of a handful of ‘Patriot’s’ trying to impose their will and values on our Nation.

We are a Republic with Representative Government that has been taken over via filibusters and defunding.

E N O U G H.

Let America be America again.

Vote on all legislation.

Up or down.

No ‘super majority’.

‘90% of Americans, 74% of NRA Members Support Universal Background Checks According to New Poll’

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But remember….these 12 brave Republicans REALLY know the Constitution so it’s NOT obstruction even though 90%+ of Americans support background checks.

‘Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul’s threat to filibuster any new gun restrictions is gathering steam, as a dozen of his Republican colleagues have now signed onto his plan’.

‘The Kentucky Republican and Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) first wrote to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid late last month to warn him of their intention to try to tie up the Senate if, as planned, Reid moved forward with legislation that would expand background checks and attempt to crack down on interstate gun trafficking’.

‘The Gun Owners of America, a small group that has risen in influence because of its strict adherence to a pro-gun line, has pressured senators and the National Rifle Association to back Paul, Cruz and Lee’.

“If, you are an NRA member, contact them,” GOA wrote in an action alert sent to its own members, some of whom are also in the NRA, on April 1′.

“Urge them to join with us in supporting the Paul-Cruz-Lee filibuster. That means they should tell senators to oppose the motion to proceed to any gun control vehicle, and to oppose cloture on the motion to proceed to any gun control vehicle.”

‘In addition to Paul, Lee, Cruz, Rubio and Moran, the Republican who have signed the second letter are Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma, Richard Burr of North Carolina, Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, Mike Enzi of Wyoming, Jim Risch and Mike Crapo of Idaho, Dan Coats of Indiana and Pat Roberts of Kansas’.

“We will oppose the motion to proceed on any legislation that will serve as a vehicle for any additional gun restrictions,” they write’.
From :

One Man’s Trash – ‘Third major oil spill in a week: Shell pipeline breaks in Texas’

oil spill1

one man's trash1

Well don’t I look stupid. Here a couple weeks ago, I was making fun of US Representative Steve Stockman from Texas :

‘Congressman Steve Stockman Loves the Earth: “If You Poke Holes in It, Oil and Gas Come Out”
@ :

Turns out he was right………

‘Thousands of gallons of oil have spilled from a pipeline in Texas, the third accident of its kind in only a week’.

oil spill

‘Shell Pipeline, a unit of Royal Dutch Shell Plc, shut down their West Columbia, Texas, pipeline last Friday after electronic calculations conducted by the US National Response Center showed that upwards of 700 barrels had been lost, amounting to almost 30,000 gallons of crude oil’.

‘Meanwhile, though, rescue works in Arkansas have been getting their hands dirty responding to an emergency there. A rupture in ExxonMobil’s Pegasus pipeline late last week send thousands of barrels of oil into the small town of Mayflower, around 25 miles outside of Little Rock. Authorities evacuated more than 20 homes in response, and by this Thursday roughly 19,000 barrels had been recovered’.

‘Another incident in Canada this week caused an estimated 400 barrels — or roughly 16,800 gallons — of oil to be compromised in northern Ontario when a train derailed. Originally, Canadian Pacific Railway Ltd said only four barrels were lost in the accident’.
From :


But it’s NOT Republican Obstructionism – ‘Missouri GOP Approves Bill That Allows Pharmacies To Decide What Drugs Women Have Access To’

republican birth control

Remember…’s the REPUBLICANS that want Government to stay out of our lives!

‘The Missouri Senate approved SB 126 by a vote of 24-9 and it now heads to the Missouri House where Republicans are also in control’.

‘If the bill were to become law, pharmacies across the state would be able to keep all forms of contraception off the shelves; meaning, even if a woman has a prescription from her doctor, a pharmacy could make the final decision regarding her health’.

‘For women who live in rural areas where pharmacies are few and far between, this legislation would force them to travel unnecessary distances to find a pharmacy willing to fill their prescriptions’.

‘Rape victims would be especially hit hard because pharmacies would be able to deny them emergency contraception’.
From :



mike reynolds

‘Below is an email exchange that was a call for help from State Rep. James Lockhart (D) – Heavener who requested help from his colleagues at the Oklahoma State Capitol, but was greeted with an extremely anti-education response from Rep. Mike Reynolds (R) – Oklahoma City’.

‘From: James Lockhart(D)’ :
“Basically we are doing a poor job of improving the lives of the people we represent. That is pretty clear in the fact that most people think we either don’t care about them or are unable to do something about improving their standard of living”.

“I am here to try to improve the quality of life of the average person in however small a way possible”.

‘Reply by Rep Reynolds(R)’ :
“It is not our job to see that anyone gets an education. It is not the responsibility of me, you, or any constituent in my district to pay for his or any other persons education. Their GPA, ACT ASAB, determination have nothing to do with who is responsible. Their potential to benefit society is irrelevant”.
From :


But it’s NOT Republican Obstructionism – ‘Democrats lose fight in Montana Senate over ballot measures’

republican obstruction

But remember…..Republicans want Government to ‘stay out of your life’ and they are for ‘freedom’ and ‘liberty’.

Freedom and liberty.

Some restrictions apply and void where prohibited by law unless Republicans approve.

HELENA, Mont (Reuters) – ‘Over loud objections from Democrats, Montana’s Republican-controlled Senate on Friday voted to put proposals on the 2014 ballot that would tighten voter registration and restrict the rights of third parties to compete in general elections’.

‘The measures, which are expected to be approved by the Republican-majority House, do not need approval from the Democratic governor’.

‘They would go before Montana voters in November of next year’.

“I’m saddened by what we saw today – it’s worse than Washington, D.C.,” Governor Steve Bullock said. “I’m not embarrassed by men and women demanding a right to speak – I’m disappointed by those who denied it.”

‘The measures would ask voters to eliminate same-day voter registration, and put in place a new primary election system that only allows the two political parties that get the most votes in the primaries to be on the ballot in the general election’.

‘Both are seen as benefiting Republicans. Third parties have acted as spoilers for some Republican candidates in recent elections’.
From :

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