The Last Of The Millenniums

Just because it always has been, doesn't mean it always will be

Building On The Reason Trump Should Resign – ‘Not My President


On second thought – just resign.

Words especially words of apology are usless from you.

Building On The Reason For Donald Trump To Resign – He’s Stupid – ‘Trump proposes a law that’s existed for 20 years’

‘Trump received a standing ovation and pledged his administration would put the legislation into effect “very shortly.”

‘President Trump called for a new law barring immigrants from receiving welfare for at least five years at a rally on Wednesday’.

But neither Trump nor nearly 6,000 of his die-hard supporters seemed to realize that the law has already existed for more than 20 years’.

“I believe the time has come for new immigration rules which say that those seeking admission into our country must be able to support themselves financially and should not use welfare for a period of at least five years,” Trump told the crowd in Cedar Rapids, Iowa’.

‘As The Hill reported, President Bill Clinton signed the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act in 1996. The law prevents immigrants from receiving federal benefits, such as food stamps, Medicaid, and Social Security for five years after entering the country’.

From :

My Life With Cats – Disabilities

I have almost no experience with kittens being raised by their Mothers. I usually come across kittens who woke up and everyone had left.

So just a little spitballing here, thinking out loud.

Some may remember Baby, Baby, Baby. A kitten I found that really needed help.

Anyway, she turned out great and around 3 months ago when she was around 6-7 months old, she snuck out of the house.
I hadn’t had her fixed yet and over the next couple of weeks, I’d catch a glimpse of her running up and down trees, chasing other cats, rolling around on her head being the neighborhood well you fill in the word.

Finally having her fill of amour, she came back to the house to eat, sleep and eventually have babies.

And babies she did have. Started out with 8. 4 died at birth. She hung in there but this was really all too much for a little kitten. 3 more died over the next 3 days leaving here with just one.

Not exactly the dotting mother but if she got up to leave, eat, drink, whatever and the baby cried, she’d go right back in. Ditto whenever she went in, the baby would be quiet and nurse within seconds.
Which was always strange as I could never find more then the 1 nipple and very little milk. But the baby started to grow and get plump if not fat.

So disabilities…….
The baby is a little over a month old. Loves to gum my fingers and his. Loves to play with his toes – usually just waving them around.
Since Baby Mama is spending less and less time with him, I put 2 wool socks in there and he snuggles up with them even pulling them over himself when he goes to sleep.
I suppose the toe thing is natural I’m just use to them interacting with other kittens.

June 15th, 2017

100 Tweets On The Wall, 100 Tweets, Take One down, Pass it Around, 99 Tweets Still On The Wall

Leftover Trump


A Dog’s Life

Cats Gone Bad



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