The Last Of The Millenniums

Just because it always has been, doesn't mean it always will be

‘Romney Refuses To Answer What Biggest Misconception Of Him Is: ‘I Give The Answers I Want’

But as President you are suppose to be answerable to the American people.

I guess we come in second place – behind you.

But you won’t even answer that question.

‘Yesterday during Piers Morgan Tonight, Governor Chris Christie said that one of the biggest misconceptions about Mitt Romney is that he is frigid, and that he instead possesses “enormous compassion.” He gave an articulate and straightforward response to his candidate’s shortcomings. Tonight, Romney had to answer that question about himself, and began to talk about the budget and other such things for so long that John King had to hop in and remind him that he was asked what the biggest misconception of him was. For this insolence, Romney struck him down: “You ask the questions you want; I give the answers I want.”

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1. ‘Romney won’t say whether he would undo Obama’s decision to end deportations of DREAM-eligible immigrants’.
‘Romney and his campaign passed up numerous opportunities over the weekend to say whether he agreed with the substance of the Obama administration’s order’.
‘Romney saying only, “We’ll look at that — we’ll look at that setting as we– as we reach that.”

2. ‘Romney won’t say whether he’d support the Paycheck Fairness Act. Romney repeatedly dodged questions whether he’d support the Paycheck Fairness Act’.His campaign didn’t respond to five requests by the conservative Washington Times seeking his stance on the bill’.

3. ‘Romney won’t specify which tax loopholes he’d close. Romney refused to offer any specifics saying only, “We’ll go through that process with Congress.”

4. ‘Romney won’t say which federal agencies he’d eliminate. At a private fundraiser, Romney reportedly told donors he would eliminate or combine “a lot of departments in Washington,” but that he was “probably not going to lay out just exactly which ones are going to go.”

5. ‘Romney won’t say whether he supports the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. Romney said, “I’m not going to go back and look at all the prior laws and say had I been there which ones would I have supported and signed.”

6. ‘Romney won’t say whether he’d support full reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act. Romney would not specify whether he supported the bipartisan Senate version or the GOP House rolllback bill’.

7. ‘Romney won’t say whether say whether he’d eliminate the “carried interest” tax break for private equity partners’.

8. ‘Romney also won’t say whether he agrees with the Supreme Court’s decision on Arizona’s immigration law’.
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